Coach's Pledge



As a coach in the Nashoba Valley Youth Soccer League (NVYSL), I agree to read, know, and abide by the Laws of the Game of Soccer. I particularly agree to read, know, and abide by the rules, philosophy and spirit of the Nashoba Valley Youth Soccer League. I understand the rules and philosophies are written in general terms to eliminate the necessity for many additional rules. The intent of our rules is to create balance of play, equal opportunity between players, reasonable safety/protections, fun, development, and an atmosphere of sporting behavior and fair play. I agree not to attempt to take unfair advantage of or to manipulate NVYSL rules and the Laws of the Game to our advantage. I understand this is not appropriate and will not be tolerated.
I agree to respect and support our referees. The administration of each game is best handled through cooperation of referee, coaches, and players. The letter and spirit of our rules and philosophies shall be considered as mutual agreements. No conduct which will incite assistant coaches, players, or spectators against referees will be tolerated. I also agree to use my tremendous influence as a coach to enhance sporting
behavior by our coaches, assistant coaches, players, and spectators.
If a complaint is made to the Nashoba Valley Youth Soccer League Sportsmanship Review Committee regarding the conduct of a coach, assistant coach, player, or spectator from which action could result, then that person has the right to a timely notice of a formal review. I understand that if I am found to be in violation of the NVYSL Zero Tolerance Bylaw, the NVYSL Code of Conduct, the MYSA Coach’s Code of Conduct, or this Pledge, that the NVYSL may take appropriate measures to prevent such reoccurrence including game suspension or dismissal from the League.
I further accept responsibility for the actions of the players, assistant coaches, and/or others representing this team.
Read and scroll down to accept the following agreement:

I have read and agree to adhere to the NVYSL Zero Tolerance Bylaw, the NVYSLCode of Conduct, the MYSA Coachs Code of Conduct, and this Pledge.